General questions

Studio Technix is the next-generation of electronics software development tools. It is used to program embedded software for applications in the fields of electronics, IoT, mechatronics, automotive, cyber physical systems, robotics, automation, machine learning, smart sensors, and autonomous systems. It features a visual editor, code framework and simulator to help you creating a prototype in no time and then developing it further into commercial grade software.

Only if the revenue of your company is less than €10000. Studio Technix is free for hobby makers, students, schools, universities, non-profits, and startups with a revenue less than €10000. Any other use requires the purchase of a Professional or Enterprise license.

Yes. Send an email to and we'll help you out.

  • Our documentation contain tutorials, how-to guides, examples and an API reference for most parts of Studio Technix.
  • If you can't find your answer in the documentation, the first place to head to is our forum to ask for technical and non-technical advice. It's where we, the developers, also hang out.
  • For short questions or general chat, you can use the discord server.
  • Organisations that own a Professional license have right to 3 support tickets.
  • Organisations that own a Enterprise license have right to 10 support tickets and priority support via video call.

Technical questions

Most code is auto-generated, but you keep control over every line of code.

Studio Technix saves you from writing a lot of repetitive and plumbing code by generating the majority of the code based on the components and parameters in the visual editor.

But, you keep full control over every line of code. Need to do something that is not yet supported by Studio Technix? Since it's just a C++ application, you can manually modify the auto-generated code which is human readable and easily editable.

That's right. That means no vendor lock-in. If we mess up and you don't want to use Studio Technix anymore, just continue building upon your existing code base.

No. Studio Technix is a software development tool that helps you programming different hardware boards like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Stm32, Esp32.

Studio Technix has no technical limitations for running on any particular target. If there is a C++11 compiler for your platform, then chances are big that Studio Technix works on it.

Studio Technix provides built-in framework support for the following platforms, which means that running on those platforms is plug-and-play.

Does Studio Technix support plug-and-play on ...?

  • Stm32: Yes
  • Esp32: Absolutely
  • Arduino: Not yet. Coming soon.
  • Raspberry pi: Not yet. Coming soon.

Yes. In Studio Technix we use a subset of C++ (no RTII, no Exceptions) that is powerful yet easy-to-grasp (it's more like "C with classes"). C++ gives you classes and namespaces for organizing code, type-safety for better compile-time diagnostics, constexpr for compile-time evaluations, templates for making generic abstractions, and RAII for safe resource handling.

Yes. Note that the Studio Technix Framework is written in C++, however all C++ compilers also support C code.

Not yet. The Studio Technix Framework is currently written in C++, however it may be possible that a Rust version may be developed in the future.

It's impossible to support all of the millions of different components that are out there, including the one you just wanted to use. But fear not.

Besides the components in the standard library, you can use the package manager in Studio Technix to discover and download components created by the bright minds of the community.

Still not found the component you are looking for? A custom component is just a C++ class. Jump start your implementation by copying and adapting one of the well-written component implementations from the standard library which is open source.

Yes, you can create your own background threads if you are running an operating system that supports it.

The Studio Technix event loop itself runs on a single thread: the main thread of the application.

Yes. The Studio Technix framework is designed to run on a bare metal system that does not have an operating system.

The framework features an event loop, on which all asynchronous events (originating from interrupts) are dispatched. This ensures that as a user you don't need to worry about which context your code is running in and about concurrency issues.